Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Toy Eater

I realize that my parenting strategies and those of others usually differ DRASTICALLY. And that I am usually a "trial and error" kind of mom, but HOLY CRAP, I've found something that is working!!!

We were reading stories the other night before bed and Carson had picked out a Shel Silverstein book full of silly poetry. One of the poems was called, "The Toy Eater". It was about a monster that comes out after the kids have gone to sleep and eats all the toys that have been left out on the floor. While I'm reading it, I am thinking to myself, "this might work". So, after the story I attempt to convince my children that the toy eater does, in fact, exist. Cade bought it right away...he jumped down immediately to check for any stray toys. Carson, my more logical child, had some questions.

"Where does the Toy Eater live?" - Outside
"Where outside" - Underground, but he only comes out at night. - I have to be careful here because he will check my story.
"What kinds of toys does he eat?" - All kinds
"How does he chew up my cars?" - With his sharp teeth
(with wide eyes) "Will he eat me? - (oops) No baby he only eats toys- whew, almost went too far.
"What does he eat if I don't leave my toys out?" - Carrots
"We don't have any carrots." - Bread

This goes on for about another 5 min. Meanwhile, Cade has made damn sure there are no toys out and is already back in bed. Cade says, "He's real, bubba...we have to pick up our toys.". Now I'm not sure why a 3 yr olds word is more solid than his mom's, but Carson buys it.

So now, every night before bath, they pick up their toys!!! They are even convinced that I have the toy eater's number and can summon him at any given moment. It's BRILLIANT. It's the year long equivalent to, "I'm calling Santa". We shall see how long it lasts....stay tuned!!

1 comment:

  1. THAT IS AWESOME!!! I'm thinkin' I might have to try something like that w/my boys--or at least w/Jonathan. (Jacob might still be a little too young to grasp the concept of picking up after himself.) Jonathan is going through a phase right now, though, where he thinks there are monsters in his room, so I think I'll wait til we get past this before I try something like "the toy eater." Kudos to you, though! Pretty neat idea. Hope it works for a while! :)
